Still catching up on old AARs!
Monday March 25 Maurice hosted us for a War of the Roses Game, George and I played the House of York and David an Maurice were representing the House of Lancaster, we used Impetus rules.
The deployments saw the Yorkists place some horse in the centre and left with foot of varying quality in support, The Lancastrians set up all their horse on their right with their artillery and their best foot in support then varying quality of foot along the rest of the line.
The battle unfolded with the Yorkist centre and right advancing whilst the Lancastrian opposing centre and left did too, this lead to the lesser Lancastrian units up against a mixed lot of Yorkist ones, the better quality Yorkists units began to win. This then led to a rash charge by the Lancastrian horse on their right which failed and the redeployment of much the infantry on the right to the centre where it was ground down. The Lancastrian left at this point 'broke' and their army decided withdrawal was the best option, a victory to the House of York!
Some Pictures...
York placed its best horse unit in the centre, it literally rode down several Lancastrian foot units its placement was rucial as there were no horse to face them from the Lancastrian side...

Yorkists in the foreground advance!
The Yorkist's artillery proved useful, in the background you can just make out the foot from the Lancastrian left redeploying to boost their crumbling centre!
A close up of Maurice's fine figures!
The Commander of the Yorkists left is the foreground looking on as his troops hold off the late charge by the Lancastrian right...
Grinding melee went on all along the line...
The figures and terrain Maurice supplied were up to his usually high standard!