Friday, 28 March 2025

ACW AAR 61 to 65 Rules Fence-Line Defence Variation

Well Hello! We've been offline for a while we had a pause in our gaming during the last part of 2024 but resumed in February 2025! We are way behind in listing our AARs for this year (and last year) but will try to catch up!

Confederate Infantry watch a fellow Rebel Unit advance on the Yankee Zouaves!

Last Monday we played a game of 61 to 65 and used a variation of the Stream Crossing Fence-Line Scenario in which we gave the Yankees two Medium width fords in the Stream rather than one large 1 Long width one (Medium/Long are movement distances in the rules and with 28mm size figures they are 12cm and 18cm each, anyone using Imperial measurements divide those by 2.54 for inches 😁 ).

So Maurice took on the Northern troops and George the Southerners I umpired.

The Game!

Maurice's Yankees crossed the stream pretty quickly with good activation rolls meanwhile the Southerners occupied the fence-line and the woods on their left, interestingly they left the woods on their right unguarded (?). 

The Union Zouaves moved to the woods on the right and faced up against the Confederates there. A firefight ensued in the woods while another Rebel unit with skirmisher support crossed the centre fence-line and joined the combat around the woods. The additional Rebels were pushed back to the fence with casualties and the firefight continued in the woods.

The Union Infantry leaving a unit by the ford they pushed the rest of their men hard through the woods to the right of the Rebels defence line which was unoccupied, this advance was screened by skirmishers. The Confederates moved a unit to cover their right and advanced another across the fence-line to attack the advancing Northerners as they moved into the woods. This attack was pushed back with losses and victory was set as the Yankees assembled to carry out their the left hook around the Southerners right!

Caught out the Confederates now had a single unit of infantry on their right flank facing three units of Yankees with skirmisher support! The expected ensued and the Rebel unit was overwhelmed and this broke the morale of the Southerners! The grey clad army fled the field of battle leaving it in the hands of the blue bellies!

Some Pictures (sorry being busy drinking beer and eating nibbles I didn't catch all the action!)

Our battlefield, the Confederates in the foreground and the Federals are deployed behind the stream in the distance!

The Rebs quickly man the fence-line and await the blue bellies!

The Yankee Zouaves quickly advance into the woods on the Confederate left and immediately get caught in a firefight!

Meanwhile the Yankee Infantry quickly advance intent on turning the Rebels right!

Overview mid game, the battle in the woods on the Confederate left is well underway as the main battle develops on their right where one unit will face three 😮!

The final charge, a tsunami of blue sweeps around the Confederates right flank breaking them!

Afterwards Stuff

A great game, the Rebels lost it placing 3 out of five of their units along the fence-line and only redeploying them to the flanks too late to check the Yankee flank moves! We will revisit the ACW soon but next time with either Longstreet of FS2CS rules! Hopefully I'll try to catch up on all the outstanding AARs we have soon!