Wednesday 26 May 2021

Jacobite Skirmish - Song of Drums & Shakos AAR #8

Monday May 10 we broke out one of our favourite rule books, Song of Drums & Shakos! Maurice supplied a great selection of extremely well painted Jacobite Era Redcoats and Jacobite Rebels and terrain for the night. The scenario was set soon after the Battle of Culloden and a group of hungry and desperate Rampant Scots are set to ambush a supply wagon escorted by some redoubtable British! The situation turned out to be unbalanced in favour of the Scots but the game was quick, exciting and very violent!

Special Guest from NSW Barks joined Dave and George for the night playing the Scots while Maurice and I girded up our loins and played the British side.

The Redcoats entered the table and after just one move were surprised by small group of Jacobites who tackled them in close combat which allowed the two larger bands of Scots to close in on the convoy and engage it. Without a chance to even fire a volley the Redcoats were in serious trouble from the outset and were never able to recover, their shinning light for the game was that they briefly recaptured the supply wagon after it was taken from its civilian driver by the Jacobites!

Some pictures of the action, showing off Maurice's great figure painting!

A bloody encounter and to keep the game running we allowed the redcoats to fight to the last man!

Chatting after the game making the all the Scots 'Strong' and allowing them to deploy secretly anywhere on the tabletop gave the Redcoats little chance of success, Maurice and I had our butts severely whipped and couldn't sit down for several days afterwards!


  1. Thanks very much for hosting me; I had a very enjoyable evening!

    1. Hey Barks, it was a pleasure having you join us!
      I enjoy the Song of... series of games.

  2. Great stuff, I have those Flags Of War figures, and I hope they turn out as nicely. I suspect I will end up using Sharp Practice, but it's a nice reminder of Drums and Shakos.

    1. Thanks Doug your Comments are appreciated!
      Re Sharps Practise isn’t that for larger scenarios, with SDS I wouldn’t go over 30 figures aside.

  3. Great stuff!! - Jacobite Rebellion is one of those projects I would love to do one day...if only *sigh*

    1. Cheers Kym, yeah I hear many eras/campaigns and so little time!
