Sunday, 18 July 2021

WW II Normandy 1944 British vs German AAR - Iron Cross Rules

Catching up on games from a few weeks ago still! We played a game using Great Escape Games Iron Cross rules on June 7th, the date fitted playing a game pitting British against Germans in Normandy! We choose the 'escalating battle' scenario from the rules. We played with 12 objectives made up of 9 Urban areas and 3 Bridges with the side controlling the most after 6 turns winning!

German Infantry and Armour 'On the Move!'.

The British had an infantry force with mortars supported by 3 Sherman tanks whilst the Germans had a core of infantry supported by HMG's, mortars, a PAK 38 and 2 Pz IV's.

The British got the initiative and we started! Both sides deployed their forces in three groups facing the main objectives. The British centre and right got the jump on the Germans getting to the stream first while the German right and the British left were both slow to advance.

A British Sherman secured the central bridge while infantry from both sides occupied the buildings near it and began a deadly firefight! The German's PAK 38 lost a duel with Brits Sherman which received a healthy amount of mortar support! With their anti tank support gone the Germans defending the central village on their side of the stream were getting hammered and the British found themselves dominating the centre of the battlefield. Unlike their British counterparts the German mortars had little influence in this area of action!

The German left had been beaten to their main objective, the bridge crossing the stream and the British pushed a Sherman and infantry boldly across it! Perhaps a little to boldly both the Sherman and its supporting infantry section were smashed by a swift German counterattack by a full platoon of infantry supported by a Pz IV. Still the British in this area controlled a village and the important bridge while the Germans had secured only a single urban area. Any attempt to take on the Tommies around the bridge was curtailed as their Pz IV was redeployed to their crumbling centre!

The situation on the German right was faring much better, the German mortars slowed the British foot sloggers inflicting losses leaving their countrymen able to occupy their objective the bridge and accompanying village.

Everything now rested on the centre! The Germans led by a Pz IV launched an attack to capture the bridge and push the British back! Here the roll of the dice played a decisive part! Trying to secure a second activation the Pz IV failed, yes it was an anything but a 'one' situation and they got a 'one'! The British pounced and their reaction was successful! They took out the Pz IV! But not only did they successfully react but they seized the initiative and they used it well! Their infantry secured the whole of the town and to cap off that coup on their left they at last had a success their Sherman getting in a flank shot on the Pz IV there causing it to brew up!

At this point the Germans conceded they could no longer face the British juggernaut (well not really a juggernaut but it sounds good!) announcing they were withdrawing from the battlefield! A British victory!

Some pictures of the action!

The battle begins as the first plucky British infantrymen enter the fray!

The British left starts well but German mortars zeroed in on the troops on the road pinning them and inflicting losses they retired to the nearby village! Note the small bullets represent each command token played by that unit/vehicle for the turn.

The German right, a platoon of infantry with MG and Armour support move slowly forward!

The British win the race to the central Bridge, both sides have infantry in the town and the Germans have deployed their PAK 38 covering the river crossing! The small dice represent 'hits' on each unit/vehicle and the large bullet represents a unit/vehicle that has failed an activation test and can not try to activate again in the current turn.

The German PAK 38 crew were deployed and awaiting any British attempt to take the bridge! They took a shot and missed, they were then pummelled by HE fire from both the Sherman and the British mortars!

The German left encounter greater success against the British advance their infantry faced off against the British armour...

...and they Panzerschreckt crew proved their metal, scratch one British 'Ronson'!

They then dealt with the Tommies that had been supporting the tank, the British right push had been blunted!

The Germans then redeployed their armour and attacked to capture the main town and bridge!

Here the Dice Gods intervened the British destroyed the Panzer and then their infantry swept across the bridge and the whole town was in the hands of the Allies!

The British occupy the town! The German centre is in tatters!

After they captured the town the British Sherman on their left daringly swept forward to get a flank shot in on the Pz IV there...

... and it was successful, yet another Jerry tank 'brewed up'!

A view of the German HQ section and their mortar battery in the distance the central town can be seen, along with the wrecked PAK 38 and burning Pz IV! It was at this point the Germans decided they were done for and began to retreat! 

The tabletop at games end, British to the left Germans to the right...

After playing 1914 previously to this everyone picked up the command token/initiative system quickly. It took a little longer to play than I expected but despite the Germans throwing in the towel early we would have had a result in our normal allowed playing time. These rules play well and we will be using them again! I look forward to getting out my 10mm Soviets to face off against the Jerries! It was pointed out in the post game discussion he who has the last tank(s) has the advantage but I think that's pretty historical! It is a pity these rules are not really being supported by Great Escape Games but I have been in contact with another group here in Australia who really enjoy the rules and have developed them including features like artillery support that are not in the core rules. I now have these updates and will definitely be using them in the future!

Okay only one AAR to catch up our Blucher Waterloo extravaganza I'll get to that soon!


  1. I enjoyed the battle report! Any chance you can post those mods for the rest of us interested in Iron Cross? Thanks.

    1. John, thanks for your comment, please leave me a contact email here (can be hotmail/gmail rather than your personal one) and I'll send you some information. This game just used the rules as written to introduce the guys to them, when we play again we'll include rules like artillery etc. as they are needed.
      Also FYI I have heard of players of IC who also have 7DTTR (I think you have that) who have just 'lifted' rules from there to flesh out IC i.e. artillery.

    2. johnleahy55atyahoodotcom

      Thank you!

    3. John email sent.
      Hopefully you'll find the attachment interesting!

  2. Might I see your mods, too? I had an IC game ready to go for my gaming group when Covid shut everything down.

    Please send to: Schogun6 AT gmail DOT com


    Chuck (USA)

  3. I would be interested in these mods. Todd.

    1. Hi Todd, thanks for checking out the blog, I'll dig out the rules when I get back from a trip I'm about to go on for a couple of weeks, where about are you? Cheers!
