Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Trench Hammer War Game Rules Test

Hello! We have yet another set of rules we're having a go with, Trench Hammer. These are designed to cover tactical WW I warfare. These are similar to From Shakos to Coal Scuttles in that they are simpler and more streamlined than other rules, they also are a bit of a sandbox you can tweak them without breaking them!

This is not a full review but our general thoughts. Overall we like what we have here;
  • Initiative roll each turn
  • A die roll to determine command control each turn
  • Alternating activation during the turn, one side activates a unit (squad, single gun or vehicle)completes it action then the other side has a go until all commands are complete
  • Long Rang fire, short rang fir and then very short range close combat, with the latter two surviving targets shoot/fire back, all use the same system with different modifiers
  • Units accrue damaged (usually up to six points worth) before breaking, there are a couple of options to rally those points off
  • Officers at their risk can try extra actions
  • Covers Rifle Grenades, HMGs, Armour, Special Troop Types, Mortars and Field Guns 
Need to add;
  • Force Morale
Our 'game' was hypothetically set in the Caucasus, Mounted Aussie Light Horse and British Yeomanry supported by a (sort of) Hornet tank went up against a mixed Russian and Arab force. The tank (as it should be) was a powerful machinegun platform and unfortunately for the Russian they couldn't get their gun into action against it! Th Yeomanry fared badly in the initial advance but both the Arabs and Russians were slowly ground down by the tank with Light Horse support.

The Entente advance, George's mounted troops looked great!

Despite losses to the Yeomanry the advance ground down the defences, here the Arbs have been dispersed the Entente have occupied two buildings and the Russian gun is unable to get a shot at the Hornet!

Dismounted Aussie Light Horse deploying behind Lt Bruce's abandoned car...

The last of the defenders realise the 'jig is up'!

This game with 7 Entente Units against 8 Caucus Army Units played very quickly and we only really referred to the rules early on for the firing modifiers (which we pretty quickly memorised). These are a good set of simple rules that you can add as much chrome as you want to for a night of cut and thrust action. They could really be used for fights from the late 19th century to the Inter War period. At some point we'll list our modifications! Thanks for checking out the TSOG Blog!