Easter Monday was our usual game day so in keeping with the theme we played our first Biblical Battle! We only had the one army available, Egyptians from the New Kingdom so I came up with a slightly plausible situation where we could nave two Egyptian Armies fighting each other and then we consulted the book of King David (Rules)!
The sudden passing of the Great Pharoah Sooti I was a surprise to the nation of Egypt, he had been a mighty bear of man to most of the populace but to others a mere hand puppet controlled by his Grand Vizier. His death lead to a power vacuum across the lands of Egypt! The future of the Dynasty he founded hung in the balance as his first son the Pharoah in waiting was challenged by his youngest born, the Grand Vizier's Favourite! The stage was set for a battle of Titans! On the Plain of the Underworld the two protagonists arranged their armies to decide the future of Egypt's leadership!
Well that sets up a situation where with only a single Ancient Biblical Army we can squeeze in a game! This results from me recently buying a fully painted and based Ancient Egyptian Army!
The Armies
Prince Snafu - Heir to the Throne
Prince Khungfu - Pretender to the Throne supported by the Grand Vizier
Both OOB's consist of (213 points);
1 x Leader on Light Chariot 25points
4 x Light Chariots 100 points
4 x Heavy Infantry Units 60 points
2 x Archer Units 20 points
1x Skirmisher Unit 8 points
Prior to the game we rolled for Leader Quality and Omens(?!), we did not use the Hero Attributes this game. Also no one carried out any Animal Sacrifices prior to the game, they cost 3 points per sacrifice and give you the opportunity to cancel out Omens!
Also I included a couple of House Rules that came out of a playtest the week before with Dave;
Units have two steps first hit without a successful Saving Throw and the Unit is marked, it now has a -1 modifier for Melee Combat and saving Throws, second unsuccessful hit without a successful Saving Throw and the Unit is kaput!
National Characteristic Egyptian chariots get a +1 modifier for Fire Combat, due to this being a favoured tactic, means they can shot to long range and scoot
Leader Unit gets a +1 modifier for Fire and Melee Combat and on its Saving Throw
Infantry Units attacked from the front by chariots get a +1 Combat modifier
Chariots must use all their initiatives or if stationary can pass all initiatives (not clear in rules)
If a chariot contacts a friendly Unit due to its movement restrictions the chariot becomes stationary and both Units roll a D6 a '1' is a hit, a Saving Throw is allowed!
Foot can partially use their initiatives or pass all (not clear in rules)
The Game
Both side squared off in the same formation and started to advance.
Prince Khungfu held his infantry back but loosed his charioteers on both flanks!
Snafu kept his infantry moving but his careful plan to hold his chariots in reserve went to pieces when on seeing the opposition chariots advance they moved forward too! Snafu was heard to mutter "𓂀 ☥𓂀!".
So a swirling chariot on chariot action developed while the foot of both sides wary of exposing their flanks closed with each other.
At this point the wheels fell off for the Usuper's army, literally, Prince Khungfu deciding to lead from the front came a cropper as his chariot lost a wheel as he started to advance, the bruised and battered prince was carried from the battlefield by this Bodyguard! The Pretender's army was leaderless but urged on by ranting Priests pressed forward with a mind to avenge the ill luck that had befallen their leader!
Ironically both sides won a chariot battle, on the Oasis flank of the battlefield Prince Snafu's men were dominant while on the ruined Temple flank Prince Khungfu's charioteers were supreme.
Snafu's chariots beat the Usurpers ones into action against the foot though and the resulting carnage of foot being attacked in the flank by rampaging chariots pushed Khnugfu's army passed its break point and they retired!
The Legitimate Heir had won the first clash of the rivals for the 'Pharoahship'!
Some Pictures
The Army of Prince Snafu advances, you can already notice a Foot Unit falling behind the others see 'Afterwards Stuff' below!
Prince Khungfu lures Snafu's foot forward while both sides chariots skirmish on the flanks!
Everything was looking good for the usurper then...
...the dreaded Snake Eyes...or being a game set in Egypt should I say Serpents Eyes! Prince Khungfu's comes a cropper as his Chariot loses a wheel and he is carted from the battlefield his pride in tatters! Also a bummer for his Army as everyone is out of Command Control so has a -1 modifier on their Initiate Rolls!
Prince Snafu's far left Infantry engage Khungfu's line...
...and are sent running!
Prince Snafu's chariots win the advantage on the oasis side of the plain and line up to attack the Usurper's Foot Units!
Conversely on the Temple flank of the battlefield Prince Khungfu's chariots (blue horse blankets) despite being leaderless are dominant routing Snafu's charioteers (red horse blankets)...
...and as they prepare to charge the rear of the Pharoah's First Son's Army...
...Prince Snafu's chariots swing the game, charging and dispersing a Unit of Archers...
...and then a Unit of Spearmen, these losses break the morale of Khungfu's force which retreat from the Plain of the Undead, beaten but not defeated...Khungfu vows he will return!
A victory to the rightful heir Prince Snafu!
Afterward Stuff!
Righteo we had an exciting game. The rules, King David were easy to learn, the action was pretty quick and it had what we expected to be a Biblical battle feel, plodding foot sloggers and out of control chariots (that maybe a false impression of the era's warfare but is what we have in our minds!)! Both side chariots got into the action but the foot of both sides were slow to engage so overall we did not see much foot to foot action in this game, lots of chariot on chariot stuff and a bit of chariot on foot combat. The post game discussion highlighted the issue of maintaining battlelines as Infantry with an initiative roll of a '1' can wheel but that's it! So next time we will allow Foot Units that roll an initiative of '1' to wheel OR take a move straight ahead to maintain battle line cohesion but they CAN NOT contact an enemy Unit with this free move, this will keep battle lines moving and in a semblance of order, I for one are looking forward to trying the Rules again!