Friday, 15 September 2023

Wings of War WW II Night!

Monday July 18 two brave TSGOGgers donned their flight gear climb aboard their kites and hit the air! Over to Dave...

FLt 'Whizzo' Al in his trusty Hurricane did battle with Leutnant 'Schmutzy' von N in the Me109 over the green fields of Kent. Through head on passes and deflection shooting from interlocking S-Turns the Hurrys multiple 303s delivered the goods. In the first sortie the 109 carried 16 out of the required 17 hits for a few turns before disintegrating. Undeterred; Schmutzy eluded the home guard and swam back to Calais for sortie 2 where the first burst of Whizzos 303s gave 8 hits (ach these Englanders fight like madmen!) and the 2nd burst had one of those darn explosion chits. For Schmutzy it's PoW life with incessant rain, bad plumbing, bread and dripping...

A couple of pics from the night!