Tuesday, 17 September 2024

TGAA - ‘Battle of Hyde Park’ Scenario & AAR

This post we return to The Great Antipodean Adventure and more Australian Civil War action! We are using Trench Hammer rules this time in our continual quest for a rules set that can accommodate our Monday Evening gaming format, we don't want to be playing until 2am in the morning!

The Peasants are Revolting...Angry Unionists prowling Hyde Park, Sydney NSW!

The 'Historical' Background...

Action: Battle of Hyde Park

Date: Monday June 6 1932

Location: Hyde Park, Sydney NSW

Factions: NSW State Government vs Unionists

As New South Wales’ Constitutional Crisis entered into its Second week the situation within the inner Sydney was becoming more heated on a daily basis. After the May 28 riots Hyde Park and its environs drew every manner of revolutionary group to it. Brawls and fire fights were common occurrences as these factions crossed into each other’s patch of the Park. The area around the proposed ANZAC Memorial was a sort of neutral zone as many of the revolutionaries had served in the Great War so it remained relatively quiet, well it was until June 2nd when Unionist made their camp just north of Emden Memorial.

The Unionists under the direction of their elected leaders, Benjamin Hill and Richard Emery barricaded their selected area and their entrenchments were nicknamed the Eureka Stockade. The location of the Unionists fortifications alarmed the nearby residents and rumours spread quickly that they were going to take control of the old Emden Gun and start shelling the city with it! Panic amongst the locals spread quickly even though Government Officials issued notices trying to calm them explaining that the old gun was deactivated and that there was actually to fear from it. Despite the State Government’s statements growing trepidation took hold and the powers to be were under increased pressure to dislodge the Unionists from their encampment.

On Monday June 6 Police and Fire Department Detachments under the command of Detective Super Intendant Morecambe Wise were ordered to the area and to clear out the Unionists. Wise collected his forces at the corner of College and Liverpool Streets and planned to strike at the Unionists from there. Wise cunningly organised a diversion, members of Sydney’s Chinese community supported by a Lewis Gun Team under the command Inspector David Allen were to assail the Stockade area from the North and distract the defenders!

As twilight grew on June 6 the Government forces moved out, unbeknownst to them the Unionist were on the move too and they heading toward the Emden Memorial themselves…

The Forces...

Detective Super Intendant Wise
Inspector David Allen
6 x Sections Rifle Armed Police/Fire Department
1 x Lewis Gun Tean
3 x Sections of Chinese Militia AKA the Tong! Armed with side arms and big pointy things!

The Unionists
Comrade Hill
Comrade Emery
6 x Sections Rifle Armed Unionists
3 x Sections of Side Arms armed Unionists
1 x BAR Gun Team

Special Rules...

- 7 Turns, optional Turn 8 on a 3,4,5 or 6 on a D6 optional Turn 9 on a 5 or 6 on a D6
- All Units activate Turn 1 for entry to the Table
- No firing for Turns 1 and 2 due to the Light Conditions
- All non assault Attacks have a -1 to hit dice roll modifier due to the the Light Conditions
- Units listed as being armed with side arms have a selection of revolvers. pistols, shotguns, antique firearms etc these can only fire a maximum of 12" and inflict D3 damage, they still  Assault with D4 Damage

Victory Conditions...

At the end of every turn any Unit that has at least 1 figure within 12" of the fence of the Emden Memorial earns that side 6 VPs less any damage the Unit has. Highest VP total at the end of the Game wins unless one side loses 6 of its Units in which case that side automatically loses!

The Game...

Both sides entered the fray as night approached. The Government force advanced in a wide firing line anchored on their right by a Lewis Gun Team and on the right by Riflemen. The Unionists advance was confused and all of their riflemen moved down a path toward the Memorial creating a bottleneck while their BAR Team was masked by its own men and unable to fire early on.

Once the two forces came within effective firing range the Unionist's left with many riflemen was able to hold its own against the Lewis Gunners and Tong facing them but it was in their centre and right that the battle was decided. It was in these two areas the Government troops in an extended firing line inflicted many casualties and set up a win for their side.

In desperation as losses mounted the Unionist Leaders threw their right wing forward in a wild charge in the hope of changing their fortunes! The charge failed to break the Police line it faced and drew intense fire that caused heavy casualties amongst the groups that charged and ended up dispersing them.

At this point with darkness gathering with their morale in tatters the Unionists withdrew to their encampment where they prepared to receive further attacks from Government forces and sourced reinforcements!

A resounding Victory for the NSW State Government Forces!

Some Pictures...

The Unionists advance banners waving!

Detective Super Intendant Morecambe Wise leads his Police and Firemen forward in an extended firing line, their shooting was uncannily accurate and they inflicted multiple hits on the distant Unionists...

Inspector David Allen leads the Lewis Gun Team into action!

The 'Tong' as they were known under instructions from Inspector Allen enter Hyde Park from College Street...

Unionist armed only with side arms seek cover in one of Hyde Parks garden beds!

The Unionists BAR Team under the direct leadership of Comrade Hill who took control once their Leader was hit by a sniper!

One of Wise's Rifle Teams was left behind, curse those poor activation roles!

The Government Lewis gunners duke it out with Unionists, they took multiple hits but Inspector Allen was on hand to Rally them!

The height of the action! The Unionists with side arms try to close range with the Government 'troops'!

Unionists taunt the Government forces from behind the safety of a fence, note the fences in Hyde Park at the time were hooped wire so the picket fences are just a stand in!

Despite being taunted the Coppers and Firemen advanced continuing to keep up effective fire as they did so!

Unionists take hits from the Lewis Gunners, the Park was steamy with hot lead filling the air!

Both sides face off as Unionists surge forward around the 'big gun'...

The Unionists BAR Team took ages to locate to a position where they had a Line of Sight during which time a Sniper killed their Leader, their fire even though accurate caused little damage!

The Unionist approach the Emden Memorial...

Police and Unionist get into Assault range and some close combat biffo ensues, the Police were successful!

Battered the Unionist retire from the Emden Memorial!

Positions at the end of Turn 8 and the game, the Government Forces are to the right and have lost no units, the Unionists are to the left and have lost half of their ten Units three others were teetering on breaking with four Damage hits on each of them!

Detective Super Intendant Morecambe Wise lead his men to success!

FYI a look at our version of the Emden Memorial...

...and the real thing.


NSW Government 125VPs & Unionists Broken Due to Casualties
Unionists 83 VPs

Well we have used the Trench Hammer rule set before with WW I related games and it translated to The Great Antipodean Adventure situation well, now to try another game with some vehicles! This evening the Unionists made the mistake of deploying their side armed units in their vanguard, having a range of only 12" their were (trench) hammered by the Government troops and unable to reply at longer range, meanwhile their more effective rifle armed forces were bottlenecked advancing down the road! The extended Government firing line was important to their win. everyone thought the rules worked well!

Now to try and catch up on a lot of games not posted on the Blog yet that we've played!