Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Captain Darling and the Great Antipodean Adventure

Captain Darling and the Great Antipodean Adventure
The Very Australian Civil War
Or a bit more accurately;
A Rather Violent Australian Civil Disturbance...

Well I'm off on another whim! I'm embarking on a new skirmish game campaign featuring Captain Darling! Even though the good Captain will be involved I'll be posting these games here on the TSOG Blog as it takes place after the age of Victoria and Steam!  This idea came about after I bought some already painted VBCW Warlord and Footsore figures recently for use as WW II partisans but then I thought to myself, "Hey why not combine them with my WW I Aussies and a few WW II Brits for some 'Very Australian Civil War' action?". I also have some vehicles that would be suitable plus it would be fun to make up some armoured civilian vehicles. Of course the Captain will be a little older well not much as he appears to age slowly (sinister music) but he'll feature in the story line and even the battles! Yeah I know I still haven't even finished the Russians Are Coming Campaign yet but never fear it's still on the go and will continue to its conclusion!

Australia in the 1920's and 1930's due to its sparse population density and an overall low level of industrialisation was not likely to be able to maintain a fully fledged war of State against State engulfing the continent even if the intent existed. That said there were examples of political extremism and even secession during the period. I'm thinking I would like my 'Australian Civil War' to have a some sort of grounding in actual history so I'll be setting it in 1932 with such events in mind. I envisage the constitutional crisis in NSW during 1932 as a trigger sparking off a violent conflict between Unionists and the Conservative Federal Government of the time. Various Political and Religious factions will obviously make appearances as they take advantage of the chaotic situation to put their two cents worth in, or in the currency of the time their tuppence worth in!

May 12 1932 and Captain Darling reclined in his Chesterfield sipping on a fine port, drawing on a hand rolled cheroot and perusing his favoured broadsheet. As he read he wriggled in his seat and the supple leather conformed to his every movement he sighed with content as he sunk further and further into the lounge. He shook his head as yet again the headlines were filled with news of the continuing constitutional crisis in NSW. He thought to himself the sooner the Governor of NSW dismissed the Leftie Pinko Premier Lang the better, he made a mental note to himself to write a missive to Governor Sir Philip Game on the morrow. At this point he decided to 'pull stumps' and retire as he believed tomorrow could be a very long day....

I'll flesh out the infamous constitutional crisis that occurred in NSW during 1932 in future posts on this campaign but if you're interested there's quite an good account of it on Wikipedia...

Here's a picture of some of the vehicles and figures that'll be getting a run in this campaign!

Oh not sure whether I'll go with TW&T or FUBAR rules for this campaign still thinking about that. Also I may devise an end of game process where troops may 'evolve' (or perhaps even devolve) as the campaign continues...

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