Friday, 7 December 2018

Blucher AAR - The Battle of Piave

This Blucher AAR is for a game we played dating back to May this year! it covered the Battle of Piave, 8th May 1809 which was fought during the war of the 5th Coalition. It's another scenario from the 'Oldmedrum Wargames Group', these guys scenarios are amongst the best presented I've seen! They can be found here...

The players were unaware of how this battle ran historically so it would be interesting. Both sides have challenges, the Austrians even though having good defensive terrain are out numbered and the French will be slow to deploy as they have to cross a River which is rising. Interestingly the game played out very differently to the original battle but it certainly was entertaining!

Battlefield Map from the Oldmeldrum Wargames Group site.
The Austrians are defending the towns, stream and dike while the French start on the other side of the Piave river along the lower edge...

The Game...

In the opening moves the French pushed their weak left flank forward aggressively, this would prove costly as the cunning Austrians concentrated on these exposed troops punishing them.

Meanwhile the French centre moved forward slowly and engaged in desultory fire/combat with the best of the Austrian forces.

The French left meanwhile split into two columns. The infantry pushed toward the centre and the town of San Michel while the cavalry, led by Grouchy carried out a grand ride around the Austrians left flank and threatened (and captured) crucial town objectives also riding into the rear of the Austrians defending the centre of the line.

The game ended with a French victory but it was bought at great cost as their left was virtually wiped out. These soldiers sacrifice was not in vain as they kept the Austrians  attention locked in that area allowing for their plan to develop and the French right to run rampant to secure them victory!

Some Pictures...
The initial Austrian deployment, the French all come on 'revealed' the 'concealed' Austrians have the advantage of the chance to use reserve Movement to deploy...

The French left surge across the Piave not waiting for the rest of the army...

The Austians around the town of Barco await the French...

The Fench left start the massive task of crossing the Piave, Gouchy's cavalry can already be seen advancing on the town of Cimadolo and the Austrian left flank...

The French left charge the Austrians in and near the town of Barco and get a bloody nose!

The reinforced Austrian right counter charges the French left pushing it back...

Eugene's centre moves slowly forward deploying before the Austrians defending the dyke...

The French left gets hammered and has its back to the Piave, the Austrian cavalry flanks the infantry...

French continue to ford the Piave, the green marker indicates artillery can no longer cross this ford...

The infantry of the French right approach the Austrian defenses...unseen here to the right of the picture Grouchy's cavalry are beginning to fan out behind the Austrian left!

Grouchy's great ride begins!

What is a TSOG Blucher game without a closeup of the Dice Shako! 

Eugene lead the French centre forward against the Austrians defending the dyke pinning them as Grouchy's cavalry ride wantonly behind the Austrian line...

The French left now defeated Austrian hurriedly redeploy to face the French centre and Grouchy...

This picture shows the French cavalry attacking the Austian centre and left while in the foreground the Austrian left accompanied by Archduke John turn to face the rest of the French army...the cavalry base on the town centre left in the picture are French occupying La Mandra

I hope this gives you a good idea of our how game played out, our French replicated history and won, historicallythough the real battle was different with most of the action was in the centre and around the area of the dyke...

I'll write up my last outstanding AAR soon, Scenario 3 from the 61-65 Rule Set!


  1. Nice write up; I've done this scenario twice (my own, for Filed of Battle rules), and while the French have won both times, the rising river makes it tense for the French. Eugene took quite a risk with his bold attack, if a fairly well calculated one!

    1. Thanks!
      We find Blucher a good set of rules for larger battles.

  2. Looks great. A few of us assembling 6mm armies for Blucher in Canberra - will add this scenario to the list.

    1. Cheers!
      Looking forward to seeing your AARs, what size bases are you using for your Blucher units?
