Monday, 10 June 2019

Wings of War Custom Playing Surface

After seeing the impressive WoW/WoG game at Little Wars Melbourne in 2018 Al decided he would try his deft hand at creating his own. It turned out great!

Just like the one at Little Wars he used modular flooring tiles available cheaply at Hardware shops and created this...

Champion Work I must say! We're looking forward to christening this playing surface! That will be after Little Wars Adelaide unfortunately as our next two catch ups prior to the big day will be to play through the games we are hosting on the day...

Chain of Command; Guadalcanal – Battle of Edson’s Ridge

FUBAR VSF; War of the Worlds – Martian Attack!

There is a tutorial for creating these playmats here but you will need to join the Facebook Group to access it...

Trev's Workshop


  1. Looks great. What is the advantage of using the tiles?

    1. Hi Gonsalvo thanks!
      Al is using the tiles so he can dismantle it all and stack the bits, so its all about convenient storage.
